Sunday 16 April 2023

Why Write? Here are 4 Reasons!

You might think, ‘if I am not a writer, why do I need to write?’ In this article I hope to answer just that question. In this article, I will list down some reasons that you might want to consider giving writing a shot. Regardless of your current skill level, you might want to read this article and find out why you might want to pick up a pencil, pen, a laptop or even a mobile phone and start writing or tapping away! The best thing about writing is that you can do it almost for free. Unlike a hobby like painting or gaming, you don’t need fancy equipment to get started. All you need is a pen, paper, or a device like a laptop or mobile. With time you will improve and become better at it. So here are some reasons why you might want to give writing a shot!

Writing is therapeutic

If you are going through a difficult time in life, then you might want to consider evaluating your life. There are few other ways to stop taking a pen and paper and jot down how things are with your life. It might just be getting out all the thoughts in your head onto paper. If you don’t have anyone to vent to, then the next best alternative might be to take a piece of paper and vent on it. It can be a great way to get rid of something that is always on your mind which has been causing you much unnecessary stress. Many psychologists recommend journaling as a way of recording one’s thoughts. I find that writing helps me relax and unwind. It’s just as therapeutic as listening to a song.

Writing can help you gain clarity

Writing things down on paper can help you gain clarity in the sense that seeing your problems or issues written down on paper makes it easier for you to understand the magnitude and the nature of the problem. Writing your problems down will help you gain clarity in terms of what you are facing and could lead to the solutions you are looking for all the time! Writing helps you see what you are thinking and make the intangible, tangible. It will help you make better decisions as you will gain a better idea of the problem you are trying to solve and come up with better solutions to your problems.

Writing helps you think

Sometimes the very act of writing can help generate new ideas. This has happened to me because I am a novelist and tend to be a panster more than a plotter. Sometimes when I start writing, I have no idea where my writing will take me. So it is important not to be deterred by not having a solid plan as such. Just write and see where your writing will take you. Writing helps you be aware of what you are thinking in detail. 

Writing helps you become communicate

Writing can be an outlet that helps you become a better communicator. Writing will help you express yourself and become better at articulating yourself. The more you write the better you will become at choosing the right word to express the right message. Getting better at writing involves putting in time and effort to become better at it. Writing is a craft just as much as it is a skill. The more you practise the better you will become at it.

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