Sunday 4 June 2023

The Heart of the Wood by Dulee Carmel

Step into a world where ordinary middle grader Damian discovers his extraordinary elvish heritage and embarks on a captivating journey through realms filled with magic, adventure, and self-discovery. In the enchanting novel "The Heart of the Wood" by Dulee Carmel, readers are immersed in a captivating story that explores the power of family, friendship, and the triumph of good over evil. Join us as we delve into the depths of this extraordinary tale and unlock its hidden wonders.

Discovering a World of Magic: "The Heart of the Wood" takes readers on a magical adventure as Damian encounters his long-lost aunt, Lady Rachel, who reveals his elvish lineage and summons him to the mystical palace of Midwood. In this extraordinary world, Damian is introduced to the wonders of the wood's heart, the fay tree, and encounters marvellous creatures beyond his wildest imagination. Dulee Carmel's vivid descriptions transport readers into a realm where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, leaving them captivated and longing for more.

Friendship and Rescue Missions: As Damian explores the magical realms, he stumbles upon a troubling situation in his own neighborhood—a neighbor holding a mermaid captive. Determined to help the mermaid escape, Damian's journey takes an unexpected turn. With the guidance of Lady Rachel and the wisdom of his enchantress grandmother, Damian must summon all his courage and newfound magical abilities to rescue the mermaid and uncover the truth behind his stepfather's suspicious behavior. The theme of friendship shines brightly as Damian forms unbreakable bonds while navigating the challenges that lie ahead.

A Battle of Good versus Evil: Darkness looms as Damian's suspicions about his stepfather intensify. When his mother's precious diamond goes missing, Damian becomes convinced that his stepfather is involved. Following his instincts, Damian embarks on a thrilling adventure, setting off alarms and unraveling a plot that reveals his stepfather's true nature—an elf banished from the elven kingdom. With the aid of Lady Rachel and his own telepathic connection with a mighty dragon, Damian confronts his stepfather and stands as the defender of the elven kingdom.

The Journey to the Kingdom of Dwarfs: Led by his elven father, Damian's journey continues as he is summoned to the elven kingdom and bestowed the prestigious title of dragon lord. Together, they embark on a perilous quest to the kingdom of the dwarfs, where they must confront the most powerful dragon. Along the way, they face challenges, temptations, and unexpected twists that test Damian's bravery and determination.

Triumph and New Beginnings: As Damian's stepfather races to carry out his malevolent plans, Damian and his father must act swiftly to protect the elven kingdom. Through their resilience, unwavering bond, and the help of the dragon, they thwart his wicked schemes, saving their realm from destruction. In the end, Damian's father chooses a life with his son and Damian's mother, passing the throne to Lady Rachel, who will continue to lead the elven kingdom with wisdom and grace.

"The Heart of the Wood" by Dulee Carmel is a captivating tale that invites readers of all ages to embrace the magic within and embark on a journey of self-discovery, courage, and the enduring power of love and friendship. With its vivid world-building, well-crafted characters, and a heartwarming narrative, this book will transport you to enchanting realms and leave you longing for more extraordinary adventures. Embrace the magic within "The Heart of the Wood" and let your imagination soar to new heights.


Sunday 16 April 2023

Why Write? Here are 4 Reasons!

You might think, ‘if I am not a writer, why do I need to write?’ In this article I hope to answer just that question. In this article, I will list down some reasons that you might want to consider giving writing a shot. Regardless of your current skill level, you might want to read this article and find out why you might want to pick up a pencil, pen, a laptop or even a mobile phone and start writing or tapping away! The best thing about writing is that you can do it almost for free. Unlike a hobby like painting or gaming, you don’t need fancy equipment to get started. All you need is a pen, paper, or a device like a laptop or mobile. With time you will improve and become better at it. So here are some reasons why you might want to give writing a shot!

Writing is therapeutic

If you are going through a difficult time in life, then you might want to consider evaluating your life. There are few other ways to stop taking a pen and paper and jot down how things are with your life. It might just be getting out all the thoughts in your head onto paper. If you don’t have anyone to vent to, then the next best alternative might be to take a piece of paper and vent on it. It can be a great way to get rid of something that is always on your mind which has been causing you much unnecessary stress. Many psychologists recommend journaling as a way of recording one’s thoughts. I find that writing helps me relax and unwind. It’s just as therapeutic as listening to a song.

Writing can help you gain clarity

Writing things down on paper can help you gain clarity in the sense that seeing your problems or issues written down on paper makes it easier for you to understand the magnitude and the nature of the problem. Writing your problems down will help you gain clarity in terms of what you are facing and could lead to the solutions you are looking for all the time! Writing helps you see what you are thinking and make the intangible, tangible. It will help you make better decisions as you will gain a better idea of the problem you are trying to solve and come up with better solutions to your problems.

Writing helps you think

Sometimes the very act of writing can help generate new ideas. This has happened to me because I am a novelist and tend to be a panster more than a plotter. Sometimes when I start writing, I have no idea where my writing will take me. So it is important not to be deterred by not having a solid plan as such. Just write and see where your writing will take you. Writing helps you be aware of what you are thinking in detail. 

Writing helps you become communicate

Writing can be an outlet that helps you become a better communicator. Writing will help you express yourself and become better at articulating yourself. The more you write the better you will become at choosing the right word to express the right message. Getting better at writing involves putting in time and effort to become better at it. Writing is a craft just as much as it is a skill. The more you practise the better you will become at it.

Wednesday 16 November 2022

Benefits of Learning The Adobe Suite

There are many benefits to learning Adobe Illustrator. With everything moving online, from shopping to scheduling appointments with doctors, marketing has become an important aspect in almost all arenas of business. Every business has to have a method of marketing their products to a target or potential audience. While there are loyal customers coming back to the same brands, marketing opens up the opportunity for new customers to discover brand new products and brand new brands. While most customers prefer certain brands over others, most often established brands, marketing opens up the opportunity for new brands to put their best foot forward. You might wonder what Adobe has to do with marketing. Well, while it might not be apparent at a glance, it has everything to do with all forms of marketing, especially digital marketing. All the visuals you see, including online adverts (both image and video posts) are created using the adobe suite (most of the time).

Adobe Offers A Chance to Customise Designs

Learning adobe lets those who engage in design to exercise their creative muscles and come up with new designs. While it is easy to follow a template and do a quick design job, learning the adobe suite allows you to create unique designs that you can call your own. While it is pretty easy to pull up a template and create a design, adobe allows you to come up with your own designs that are unique and special. If you decide to design something from scratch using adobe, you can be sure that it is your own unique design. While it is easy to use a design that has been already created, there is something awesome about creating your own. While adobe seems to be a tricky software to master, practice will do the trick in helping you get better at it every day.

Adobe Offers a Chance to Flex your Creativity

While most believe that some people are born with creativity, I believe it’s a muscle. The more you use it the better you become at using it. It might be quite challenging in the beginning, which is true when it comes to most technical skills, but I believe that most of our fears and setbacks are created in our minds. I have personally experienced this when it comes to learning new software. Sometimes, we just don’t enjoy the technical bits but rather want to focus on the creative aspect of it. While this is true, knowing the tool is important too. Starting out with the basics will help anyone struggling to get going. I believe there needs to be a solid foundation when it comes to mastering software so that what we learn actually sticks in our heads. I might be wrong, but I believe knowing something in and out will help us expand our creative muscles further and enhance our creativity.

You Can Create a Range of Designs

Using Adobe you can flex your creativity and experiment on a range of different designs from book covers to banner ads. While it will take some time to become a pro, it will help you to become a versatile creator if you keep on practising. While there are different design styles that can be used in different projects, having a grasp of the basic principles will allow you to build on it gradually. 

The Adobe Suite is a great software to master if you enjoy engaging in creative projects. While it can be challenging it might be worth the shot to give it a go.

Article by D.R. Carmel

Level One Seller on Fiverr


Friday 4 November 2022

Digital Marketing - The Doorway to New Possibilities

Marketing is the thread that runs through all successful businesses around the world. Every business uses some form of marketing to get more sales. From billboards, to flyers to display advertisements online, there are numerous forms of marketing. As the world changes, marketing has changed along with it. In the past, there were different methods of marketing termed traditional marketing. Traditional marketing methods used involved the most commonly known and used forms including newspaper ads, brochures, posters, radio ads and TV ads. While these are being used at present, the advent of new technological innovation means that various new forms of marketing have emerged, which have been inspired by old forms of marketing but enhanced through the use of technology. Digital marketing is a groundbreaking area of marketing that keeps on evolving. With the Covid pandemic situation that has taken the world by storm, digital marketing has become the go to method of marketing. It offers marketers a chance to make the best of emerging technology. This article will explore the benefits of digital marketing.

Digital Marketing is Efficient

Digital Marketing offers a cost effective solution to alternatives available via traditional marketing. Traditional Marketing comes with a lot of costs involved from the paper to the ink that is required to conduct marketing activities. Whereas digital marketing only requires a secure web connection and a team of creative individuals to engage in content creation. Digital content can be created within a short duration of time and distributed efficiently across multiple social channels. There are a variety of different social channels that can be used to market digital content from Twitter, to LinkedIn to Facebook. These channels offer organic marketing and paid marketing methods. While organic posts require no investment, paid promotions can be set up to gain more reach and exposure to a wider audience. This will expose a brand to new and potential customers who might become loyal clients in the future. As most businesses are moving online, it is important to remember that digital marketing will continue to play a key role in the coming years.

Digital Marketing is Cost Effective

Compared to traditional marketing methods, the investment required for digital marketing is less, as there is less cost for materials and set up involved. The only costs a company might be required to bear would be the cost that the company has to invest in both visual and written content. The content that has been created is done through the use of software by experts such as graphic designers and content writers who create content that is required for businesses. Audience research is conducted through the engagement received via social platforms as each specific social media platform has a set demographic that uses that specific platform. For instance Facebook is used mostly by men between the ages of 25 to 30 according to HootSuite. Therefore most advertising and content on Facebook is targeted at individuals around this age. 

Digital Marketing is Versatile

There are many forms of content that are used in digital marketing. These include video content, image content, written content and even audio content. These multiple forms of content are important in helping cater to different audience members as different audience members tend to consume different content. Preferences in content might depend on factors such as age, gender and nationality. According to Sprout Social, audio content is increasing in popularity in 2022. Different forms of content can also be repurposed according to the needs and demands of different target audiences. Each audience has specific needs and demands and the nature of the digital content created differs accordingly. As digital marketing caters to many niches, and offers exposure to a global audience, it has witnessed a growth in popularity during recent years.

Digital Marketing offers a platter of opportunities that is only limited by creativity and analytical ability that can be honed through practice and experience in using these different platforms. The beauty of digital marketing lies in the fact that it never stays the same and that there is always something to learn about the field in terms of trends and new tools and technologies that keep evolving and growing every day.

Written by D.R. Carmel

Level 2 Seller of Fiverr

Author of several books on Wattpad and Amazon.

Fiverr Link:

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Things People Take for Granted - Most of the Time

Things We Take for Granted - Most of the Time

There are a lot of things happening around us. Some of these are positive, negative and neutral. It is best to look at things like this without attaching any emotions to them because when you start attaching emotions to things, things get messy. At the same time, I'm not the biggest fan of maths (my sincere apologies to all the mathematicians). Here are some things that most of us take for granted when they should enchant us (Yes, I love rhyming things!).


How many times have you been grateful for a beautiful golden sunrise? Have you ever thought that you would never see one again one day? No? Well, it's never too late to think that! It's always good to contemplate the finite nature of life. Though it might look sad on the surface that life is not eternal, you can make it beautiful. Things don't need to be immortal to be beautiful. It can be beautiful at the moment. So, why not get up early and see the sunrise and watch it light up the world. Perhaps it will inspire you to light up the world around you without thinking about what you can get from doing so. Sunrises are limited. Enjoy it while you have the chance.


How many times have you taken someone's kindness for granted? I'll be honest because I have, and I regret it. It takes a lot of effort to be kind when every nerve of your body says, 'they don't deserve it!.' While revenge might feel sweet at the moment, it's not in the long run. It just makes you feel more bitter in the end. Genuine kindness is being kind without hoping the other person returns that kindness. This is so difficult to live up to in reality. But it's worth trying. It takes real guts to be kind in a mostly unkind world. I think it is the ultimate form of bravery. But there is a dark side to it. Just as there is light in the world, there is darkness. Some people will try to use and abuse it. The best thing is to ask yourself what is right (moral) and kind. If it's not just and right, a person is likely trying to use you. It took three years to figure out that people use, abuse and manipulate kind people, so be aware. Some people take advantage of you, no matter what you do.


If someone forgives you for something really bad, you ought to be grateful for the rest of your life. Why? Because it's one of the noblest things to do and one of the most difficult things to do. I've seen people just overlook the forgiveness they got and go on doing the same thing without consideration. If you have been guilty of this, as I have, know that you are insulting the person who forgave you. It shows that you lack respect by failing to be grateful for the forgiveness you received. Don't set low standards for yourself. Set unrealistically high standards if you want to achieve unrealistic dreams.


Many people are pretending to be who they aren't today. Most do it to get something. But honesty is essential. Would you like someone telling you lies over and over again? I doubt anyone would like that at all. If you don't like it, then others don't do it to others. Being honest makes you a trustworthy and dependable person. It proves that anyone can rely on you for the correct information. Being honest will make your life and the life of others much easier. When you lie, you have to keep track of it and try to justify it, and it can be difficult. This shouldn't be the reason to give up being untruthful, but if it helps you become a truthful person, you could think in this way. If I have learned anything in life, truth does come out. So save yourself the trouble, embarrassment and drama and tell the truth. It will save you a lot of time and effort.


Time is one of the most finite and important things we have in our hands. Doing things that matter to us is important. But I often find myself getting caught up in trivial things and being influenced by everyone around me. It's so difficult to withstand negative influences. But you can start by trying to be brave and productive. One way to overcome laziness, which eats up a lot of time, is to do what you don't feel like and don't overthink. "Just Do It!" as Nike says and that sums up all the help books I've read. I've noticed that you always find time for it if you love something. Have you heard people say that they are busy? Occasionally they are, but if you cared about something deeply enough, wouldn't you make time for it? Wouldn't you invest in something if you cared for it? It's the same with others. They invest time in people and things that they think are worth it. So if something is important to you, give it some time. I have been the most impatient person I have known, but giving time to someone and giving them space to breathe and think is essential. It's a difficult balance to strike. If you care, you'd spend time with them and give them a chance to reflect on themselves and come to their own decisions using the alone time you have given that person the opportunity to use. Time is the best gift you can give someone. I believe it's the most valuable gift because you and I both know that our clocks are ticking every second as life is time. No one can stop you from using time for the best. As long as you are doing what you believe is right, just and fair, no one can stop you. The only person stopping you from doing it is, sadly, YOU!

This was a fun article to write. I enjoyed it and hoped you were reminded of something valuable. Thank you!

Sunday 24 April 2022

Lessons for Sri Lankans - We all have to change at a personal level

I felt fed up with being bombarded by a billion WhatsApp messages and some calls I was getting. Sometimes stress hits you like an asteroid. I also felt super guilty for wasting my time talking to people on the phone. I cared about these people, but I thought we were killing time in every sense, and it got to me. Time is precious, and I feel that we can do so much to make this world a better place. Calling and messaging often won't get that accomplished. At least it doesn't most of the time. It was then that I came across a Youtube video that said to try and quit social media for six months. I thought I would give it my best shot, and here are some things that I realised while being alone.

Lesson 1#: Most people, at least 90%, don't care.

I had a colleague, no, several colleagues from college who thought people cared about what they posted on social media. I think they need to step down from their imaginary pedestals for a minute and see that no one cares. Not really. Well, maybe 1% of the people will care. Some might laugh at your post, and some might judge you positively or negatively. Most likely, the majority will be completely and utterly indifferent whether you were in Alaska or the Sahara desert. People don't care. At least the majority don't care. I realised this when I quit social media and put my phone in aeroplane mode. I have 30+ contacts, only 5, and I repeat, 5 bothered to ask if anything was wrong. I was expecting that response.

Yes, I repeat, lesson number one, most people don't care. At least, in my opinion, and according to my experiences.

Lesson 2#: At least 90% of people have enormous egos.

Yes, this is the second observation I made. Most people I met from those at school, college, and in society had enormous egos. Suppose they were as awesome as they thought. Sri Lanka would, in reality, be one of the wealthiest countries in the world because, in their eyes, they are fantastic and successful. They must not have real mirrors; perhaps Snow White's stepmom must have lent them her magic mirror? Who knows! Jokes aside, I sincerely feel that our people, Sri Lankans, think too highly of themselves. Not all, but the majority. Again, this is my opinion, and you might think otherwise, but I just realised this while I was alone. The funny part is that most high-headed people lack the proof to back up their high headedness. Most brilliant and successful people are humble. Why? Because they don't have anything to prove to the world. They have already been recognised for their greatness.  As the saying goes, 'pride goes before a downfall', and I think it applies to Sri Lanka, sadly.

Lesson 3#: At least 90% don't try to improve their lives.

I was guilty of this too, but I am giving it my all now. We all should give it our all and not be lazy and picky. We are good to go as long as we don't cheat, lie, or hurt anyone. If someone else is better than us, then we shouldn't try to trip them and make them fall, but we should learn from them and become successful through our efforts. 

I hope this helps make your life better.

Thank you.

Thursday 22 July 2021

How to read more books?


The world’s most successful people have one thing in common. They read a lot. You might be wondering how they do it and manage their other commitments as well. Well, here are some tips that will help you to read more books than you already do. If you don’t read at all, this article offers tips that you can use to get started.

  1. Start with reading books about topics or things that interest you.

If you are starting as a reader, then you should start out reading what you like. If you want cars, start reading books about cars. If you like plants, read books about plants. By focusing on topics that you like, you can transmit your love for that specific topic into reading. 

  1. Read with your finger.

If you keep losing the place in your book and keep having to reread what you read, this will help you keep on track. This can also help you read faster and more effectively. Although your book is a paperback or ebook, using this trick will help you read more. 

  1. You don’t have to read the whole book if you think it is not suitable for you.

There are plenty of books out there. No rule says you have to read a book from cover to cover. There is a wide variety to choose from when it comes to books. You don’t need to force yourself to read something if you think it doesn’t add value to your life. 

  1. Schedule your reading

Make time for your reading. Reading is easy. It can be done almost anywhere. You can listen to an audiobook if you are feeling lazy. Soon, reading will become a habit, and you will become addicted to it in no time.

  1. Read more than one book at a time.

This gives you a choice to alternate and sustains your enthusiasm and excitement throughout your reading time. You can, for instance, alternate between a textbook, a nonfiction book and a fiction book.

  1. Start a reading journal.

When you start keeping a record of what you are reading, you can have a clear idea about your reading habit. You can feel a sense of satisfaction with what you have learned.

  1. Put the ideas you pick up into practice in real life.

This is especially true if you read self-help books. Use what you learn. This will help you feel empowered and help you to keep yourself motivated when you are reading.

  1. Talk about the things you read.

The best thing to do is to share the ideas and knowledge you gained in your reading session. This will help you to be motivated to keep on reading.

  1. Join a book club

If you lack the motivation to read, then you can join a readers club. This will help you get in touch and surround yourself with people who love reading, and hopefully, you will develop a love for reading by associating with people who love to read!

  1. Start a book blog

This is easier said than done. But if you love blogging, you can transfer this to help you become a better reader by blogging about your favourite reads!

The Heart of the Wood by Dulee Carmel

Step into a world where ordinary middle grader Damian discovers his extraordinary elvish heritage and embarks on a captivating journey throu...