What is Love? | Answering the Most Googled Questions

Being human, this is often a question you might stumble upon at some point in your life. There are different ways, sides and you could say types of love, which makes love a unique and universal feeling that is experienced by humans (and one could say by animals too). Love has been explored across different fields such as literature, music, psychology and even science! The word love can mean many different things to different people, and each of us have our own definition and understanding as to what love is and perhaps ought to be. But it is important to remember that we don’t live in an ideal world, we live in a real one, which we must keep in mind when exploring the philosophical and existential question of ‘what is love?’ Let’s explore some key characteristics of love below! Love is a Universal Feeling If you are sentient, chances are you have experienced love, be it from a parent, friend, or significant other (try to think of some time you have experienced someone’s love). Love is ...