How to become a writer

As a writer in 2012, I started my journey while I was stuck with my A levels, doing biology that I didn't enjoy very much. I wouldn't say I liked it. As an outlet, I used to write poetry. I was depressed, so most of my poetry was dark and depressing as well. But then I read J K Rowling's story. Her life was a lot like mine, as I, too, was an avid reader just like her and loved writing good stories. I enjoyed writing stories as it gave me relief and helped me appreciate myself very much. I loved to write fantasy and read fantasy. I spent my time slipping into my worlds and making up stories and backstories for my heroes and heroines. Some might say that I was trying to escape my problems. But I would like to say otherwise. I learned a lot. I took courses on Coursera and learned more and more about writing. I also took classes on youtube by renowned fantasy authors such as Brandon Sanderson.

I devoured books, especially books on writing. I enjoyed reading about how authors started on their journeys as writers. Each of the stories I came to was different. There was no single way of becoming a writer. Writers were diverse, and so were their stories. I guess that is what made their stories different and unique from each other. I read books like on writing by Stephen King. This book was beneficial as I learned a lot about what it was like to be a writer. Then I read bird by bird by Ann Lamott. These books guided me on my journey as a writer. I learned a lot as a writer, and these books helped me improve my writing skills.

I also joined Wattpad, which is a writing community. I wrote many stories under my pen name, DRCarmel. It was enjoyable to write and publish my stories on Wattpad. I kept getting good feedback on my stories, which also helped me grow as a writer. Meanwhile, I was also working as a content writer in Sri Lanka. I was putting my skills to their best use. 

Nest I discovered Amazon KDP and started publishing there as well. I've published many books on amazon. I learned a lot about self-publishing by posting on Amazon. I've yet to cross the hundred dollar mark, so I would be grateful if any of you purchase my book. I've been trying to get traditionally published, but all I keep getting is rejection letters. I won't give up; I will keep trying. I've published several books on amazon. Some of these are poetry, and some are fiction. They include My Musings, Ripples and Echoes, Jungle Jaunts, Laugh-Out-Lyrics, The Gamer and Jack Rivers and the Isle of the Immortals. 

Then I discovered Fiverr and started offering my services at reasonable prices on Fiverr. I still provide short story and novel writing services on Fiverr. As I have no background in marketing, I decided to take a course in marketing as well. I'm currently enrolled in this marketing course. I am learning a lot about marketing. I guess I should also take a class on SEO and advertising. So much to do, so little time! Promoting my gigs has proven to be quite a challenge. I offer a variety of services on Fiverr, including story writing services and content writing services.

I am currently pitching my stories to editors. I am awaiting a response from three publishers while polishing my manuscript. I also love reading, and I am currently reading a book called The Hobbit. I was so taken up by the book that I decided to become a booktuber and document my reading journey on youtube.

I also have a poetry account on Instagram, with a few followers. I should learn more about marketing and SEO to optimise my posts and get them in front of as many people as possible. I started a blog and started writing my posts there. I've got a lot of feedback, mostly positive, and I am thankful for it. 

When I get bored with writing, I pursue music. I write songs. I'm still a beginner, and my songs aren't masterpieces, but I enjoy it very much. Songs are a great way to express yourself, and it is such an accessible form of art. I uploaded my songs onto Youtube. I also feel like I should take up the violin and start playing it. I also want to learn graphic designing and presenting.

Recently, I started answering questions on Quora. It has been insightful, and I keep learning to express myself. I was wondering if I should take an online art class to improve my art skills. In this modern tech age, there are so many opportunities to learn new skills and improve yourself. Let's take every chance to enhance ourselves. I also love listening to audiobooks.

As a writer, I think that I waste a lot of time talking to my friends. I'm learning to use my time better. We all should have friends, but I guess we all spend far too much time browsing through social media and getting caught up in unnecessary arguments and pointless conflicts over social media. 

I want to end this article with some advice for budding writers. The first would be to read as much as possible. Read everything and anything. Read whatever you can get your hands on. Read widely, read things you like and things you don't like very much. Read like a writer. Take the opportunity to learn from reading. 

The next would be to learn as much as possible. As a writer, the more you know, the more you can write about. If you have a lot of knowledge, the more you can dream up and imagine. You might not think it is related but learn well and learn widely. Take online courses, listen to podcasts, listen to audiobooks! Learn from everything and anything. You don't need to be an expert but being a jack of all trades helps.

Here is the link to my fiverr profile if you want to contact me:


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