How to build confidence?

Often we find ourselves thinking that we are not worthy or suitable to be in a particular position. Even when we accomplish and achieve things in life, we often end up feeling less than adequate. We think that we aren't good enough or that we don't deserve to have certain things. Low self-esteem and self-worth are the root causes of this. But all is not lost. With a bit of patience and persistence, you can foster that elusive trait which goes by the name "confidence."

Practice, Practice, and Practice more

When we want to learn a new skill, we do it repeatedly until we can do it without thinking twice. If we want it badly enough, that is the way most people go about achieving their goals. You can apply this same principle to learning how to be confident. Confidence is a feeling. It is a state of mind and should be lived and practised. The more you practice, you will gradually get better at it. If you practice long enough, it will become a habit, and you will be able to do it effortlessly. So whenever you are in a situation where you feel nervous and anxious, take a risk! If you are an introvert, strike up a conversation with someone. There is always something to learn from everyone! Seize the opportunity. There is no better way to get better at something without putting in some effort.

Patience is key

Be ready to be disappointed with yourself and fall short. The most important thing is to keep going. Keep trying and stepping out of your comfort zone. If you keep pushing, you are bound to make progress towards becoming a confident person. Growth is a process. With consistent effort, you will see yourself transform into a different person. The more you seek out opportunities to put yourself into situations requiring you to be confident, the more you develop self-esteem and confidence. So try enrolling in music classes or drama classes, or clubs that give you the chance to speak, act and perform in front of others.

Be ready to be disappointed.

Most of the time, we are impatient with ourselves and want to get things right immediately and with minimum effort. But the problem is most things worth learning, or mastering doesn't come easy. Such things require you to keep trying despite disappointments and drawbacks. Confidence is an art. The more you practice it, the more you get better at it. But there will be plenty of times that you will fall short and fail to live up to the image in your head. That is fine. Learning is a process, and we must be willing to accept and expect to fail now and then before being comfortable doing it.

Journal your progress

There is no better way for self-reflection than the process of journaling. It will help you declutter your mind and help focus on what is essential, allowing you to prioritise what you should be working on to improve areas, such as boosting your confidence, that you've been working on. So grab a pencil or pen and paper and start writing down the lessons you learned and strategies you can use to face similar situations.

Put yourself out there.

It would help if you had exposure. Put yourself out there. Enrol in classes like public speaking. Join clubs where you have to speak up all the time. Give courses and teach someone. Apply for a competition or a recital where you would have to talk in front of an audience. If you are always taking the opportunity to expose yourself and face your fears, such as talking or performing in front of someone, you will get better over time.

Practice mindfulness

Practising mindfulness will help you become more confident while aiding your mind to focus and not wander and overthink. It will allow you to face your fears by entirely focusing on the here and now and thinking much about the future. You will be able to reap the best by being in the present.

Face your fears

It would help if you faced your fears. If you fear public speaking, then engage in a public speaking class. I was genuinely afraid of public speaking and decided to enrol in one, and I see results already. The more exposure you have, and the more you face your fears, the more confident you will become.

Work on your strengths and weaknesses.

You are what you do. When you cultivate good habits and allocate time every day to work on your strengths and weaknesses, you are only going to get better with time. So use your time wisely and work on different aspects of your life. Do what you like as well as what you don't like as well. You are what you engage in regularly!

Fake it till you make it!

Use every opportunity to put yourself out there. And if you are not confident, act confident and pretend that you are confident. You can act confident, and most people wouldn't  be able to tell whether you are faking it or not.

Just be and accept yourself!

You are a unique person, and you have something to offer to this world just as much as everyone. You can be confident if you choose to appreciate and value yourself. If you believe that you have a valuable contribution to make, you will feel satisfied.

Don't be judgemental. 

If you judge everyone and everything, chances are you aren't very confident in yourself and keep seeing the negative side of things. If you look at everything from a critical angle, then chances are you won't be cutting some slack for yourself and others.

No one cares

Do you think others care? Think again! They are lost in their worlds and  their own problems. So be yourself and be confident! Most people don't give a penny for your thoughts! So why worry about what others think when most of them don't care about who you are anyway! So go out there and be the confident version of yourself you were meant to be!


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