My Musings by Dulee Paranavitana

My Musings is a book of poems, which is the first book I published, is now available in paperback and ebook format. Publishing my writing has been my long dream, and I'm so happy that I achieved it. I didn't study literature at school. I am a self-made author though I did enrol in many online literature courses, which were very helpful. I learned a lot. In this modern-day and age, you can learn anything if you have access to the internet. There is so much good material out there for free. Make the best use of them and learn as much as possible. There are sites like Coursera, Edx, Futurelearn that offer plenty of literature courses for free. All you need to do is enrol in them and learn as much as possible.

I wrote my Musings with a broad audience in mind. I wanted my poems to be accessible to everyone. I used straightforward language as much as possible so that it could be read and enjoyed by anyone. I wanted to reach as many readers as possible and thought that using simple language will help us reach a wider audience. So, if you are looking for a book that is an easy read, please feel free to pick up my book My Musings and give it a read. I know that you will find something here that will resonate with you because I've written poems on a broad range of topics with the hopes of resonating with everyone!

I have long been passionate about writing and have written down my thoughts and ideas on diverse topics. Below are some extracts of my poems. I've primarily written about nature and my own experiences. I also have some poems that look at the world in a philosophical and metaphysical line. I love writing poems as it is one of the most accessible forms of literature for me. Poetry flows as naturally as thoughts for me. I find myself lost in the world of verse as I pen my thoughts daily. 

I write poems every day. I was encouraged to write poetry after reading Edgar Allan Poe's poetry. I went on to read his complete works as well. His results are beautiful and enlightening, and I felt that I, too, would like to contribute as a poet.

Writing poetry can be therapeutic. I learned a lot about myself and others through writing poetry. I gain more clarity about myself. Somehow putting pen on paper was therapeutic. I was suffering from depression while writing poetry, and writing helped me deal with my sadness.

Poetry helps me accept myself and things as they were and helped me to do my best and look forward to the future. It also helped me see the world's beauty and appreciate things that I usually overlooked. I learned to be mindful and developed a mindset of mindfulness.

We can help you to become better at understanding others through writing poetry. Writing poetry helps us explore the world around us and appreciate the world intricacies. 

Poetry makes the world a better place by teaching us the importance of looking at the bright side of things. I wrote poetry to express and show gratitude for everything that I have in my life. Poetry helped me value and appreciate everything around me.

My Dream

As a wandering traveller on a voyage

As many others have age after age

Trying to write my story page by page

To strive against destiny's rage

As I sail upon life's vast ocean

With ever-changing emotions

Amidst life chaos and commotion

Trying to find the port of determination

Tossed and borne about by the gale

Of uncertainties, yet on I will sail

For my dream calls and beckons me

Like a lighthouse does a ship at sea

If you want to read more poems like this, my book is available at Amazon:

I loved writing poetry about nature. Since I was a child, I loved nature. I loved the trees, the flowers, the birds and the beasts. I loved to be with spirit. I loved the sea and the hills, and I used to draw animals as a child, and poetry helped me explore my love for nature differently. Just as drawing allowed me to appreciate the visual side of nature, poetry helped me explore the spiritual, philosophical and metaphysical side of nature. Nature is a place of healing and solace. 

I also used my observations, experiences, thoughts and ideas when I wrote this collection. The most important thing is to get started. Don't wait until the muse not feel inspired. Start immediately and get the words on the page. Keep writing until you have enough poems to put into a book. Don't give up if you don't have ideas. Suppose you don't start by reading poems by other poets. 

The beauty of nature allows us to heal from our grief and trauma and find relief. Poetry helps us to look at nature differently. I loved and enjoyed exploring the beauty of nature through poetry. Poetry allows us to pinpoint the beauty of nature. Nature offers us a lot of wisdom. There is a lot of things to learn from nature.

I read a lot of poetry, and this has helped me a lot to write a lot. My favourite poets include Willaim Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost. You must read whatever you can. You will become better at recognising good writing and identify how words work. The more you read, the better you will get at writing.

If you don't feel like listening, pick up an audiobook and listen to it. You will understand how poetry sounds when it read out loud. Poetry was written to be read aloud, and reading it out loud will help you figure out what works and what can be improved. Sometimes reading it out loud will also give you more ideas and inspire you to write more. You will also feel proud about writing something beautiful.

-D. R. Carmel (aka Dulee Paranavitana)


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