Things People Take for Granted - Most of the Time

Things We Take for Granted - Most of the Time

There are a lot of things happening around us. Some of these are positive, negative and neutral. It is best to look at things like this without attaching any emotions to them because when you start attaching emotions to things, things get messy. At the same time, I'm not the biggest fan of maths (my sincere apologies to all the mathematicians). Here are some things that most of us take for granted when they should enchant us (Yes, I love rhyming things!).


How many times have you been grateful for a beautiful golden sunrise? Have you ever thought that you would never see one again one day? No? Well, it's never too late to think that! It's always good to contemplate the finite nature of life. Though it might look sad on the surface that life is not eternal, you can make it beautiful. Things don't need to be immortal to be beautiful. It can be beautiful at the moment. So, why not get up early and see the sunrise and watch it light up the world. Perhaps it will inspire you to light up the world around you without thinking about what you can get from doing so. Sunrises are limited. Enjoy it while you have the chance.


How many times have you taken someone's kindness for granted? I'll be honest because I have, and I regret it. It takes a lot of effort to be kind when every nerve of your body says, 'they don't deserve it!.' While revenge might feel sweet at the moment, it's not in the long run. It just makes you feel more bitter in the end. Genuine kindness is being kind without hoping the other person returns that kindness. This is so difficult to live up to in reality. But it's worth trying. It takes real guts to be kind in a mostly unkind world. I think it is the ultimate form of bravery. But there is a dark side to it. Just as there is light in the world, there is darkness. Some people will try to use and abuse it. The best thing is to ask yourself what is right (moral) and kind. If it's not just and right, a person is likely trying to use you. It took three years to figure out that people use, abuse and manipulate kind people, so be aware. Some people take advantage of you, no matter what you do.


If someone forgives you for something really bad, you ought to be grateful for the rest of your life. Why? Because it's one of the noblest things to do and one of the most difficult things to do. I've seen people just overlook the forgiveness they got and go on doing the same thing without consideration. If you have been guilty of this, as I have, know that you are insulting the person who forgave you. It shows that you lack respect by failing to be grateful for the forgiveness you received. Don't set low standards for yourself. Set unrealistically high standards if you want to achieve unrealistic dreams.


Many people are pretending to be who they aren't today. Most do it to get something. But honesty is essential. Would you like someone telling you lies over and over again? I doubt anyone would like that at all. If you don't like it, then others don't do it to others. Being honest makes you a trustworthy and dependable person. It proves that anyone can rely on you for the correct information. Being honest will make your life and the life of others much easier. When you lie, you have to keep track of it and try to justify it, and it can be difficult. This shouldn't be the reason to give up being untruthful, but if it helps you become a truthful person, you could think in this way. If I have learned anything in life, truth does come out. So save yourself the trouble, embarrassment and drama and tell the truth. It will save you a lot of time and effort.


Time is one of the most finite and important things we have in our hands. Doing things that matter to us is important. But I often find myself getting caught up in trivial things and being influenced by everyone around me. It's so difficult to withstand negative influences. But you can start by trying to be brave and productive. One way to overcome laziness, which eats up a lot of time, is to do what you don't feel like and don't overthink. "Just Do It!" as Nike says and that sums up all the help books I've read. I've noticed that you always find time for it if you love something. Have you heard people say that they are busy? Occasionally they are, but if you cared about something deeply enough, wouldn't you make time for it? Wouldn't you invest in something if you cared for it? It's the same with others. They invest time in people and things that they think are worth it. So if something is important to you, give it some time. I have been the most impatient person I have known, but giving time to someone and giving them space to breathe and think is essential. It's a difficult balance to strike. If you care, you'd spend time with them and give them a chance to reflect on themselves and come to their own decisions using the alone time you have given that person the opportunity to use. Time is the best gift you can give someone. I believe it's the most valuable gift because you and I both know that our clocks are ticking every second as life is time. No one can stop you from using time for the best. As long as you are doing what you believe is right, just and fair, no one can stop you. The only person stopping you from doing it is, sadly, YOU!

This was a fun article to write. I enjoyed it and hoped you were reminded of something valuable. Thank you!


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