Why is the Sky Blue? | Answering Some of the Most Googled Questions

If you are a kid one of the first questions that must have popped into your mind is, why is the sky blue? If you are a parent, you might have been reminded about finding the answer to this question because your kid is asking you about it. Regardless of who you might be, if you are wondering why on earth the sky is blue of all colours, then you are in the right place. Personally, while I do prefer if the sky was slightly orange most of the time, sadly I have no say in the colour choices, and no you can’t order the sky to be turned into any colour you like (I didn’t check but I’m pretty sure you can’t do that, not yet anyway).

So back to the pressing question at hand, why is the sky blue? The sky looks blue because of a certain effect known scientifically as the Rayleigh scattering, which happens when the sun passes through the atmosphere of the Earth and scatters light through tiny air molecules. 

If that sounded like greek or gibberish, in simple terms, sunlight is made of several colours. Each of these colours have a different wavelength. The colour blue and violet have shorter wavelengths and scatter more easily when sunlight passes through Earth’s atmosphere. 

Add to this the fact that our eyes are more sensitive to blue light. The sky might appear paler near the horizon because it needs to pass though more air to get to your eyes. 

Why Does the Sky Change in Colour During Early Morning and Late Evening? 

Well, while you might have not seen green skies, you must have seen red or orange skies (assuming you took the time to step outside or look out of your window). The reason for the sky to appear red and orange during sunrise and sunset is that sunlight needs to travel through a thicker area of the atmosphere before it ends up in your eyes. 

Did you like this article? If you have any ideas on what I need to cover further, feel free to comment below! In the meanwhile, you might want to consider going outside and catching the sunrise or the sunset!

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