4 Tips on Building a Successful Life

I am currently reading a book called Freelance Way. I thought I should write about some of the lessons I have learned so far from the book. One key point made in the book was about internal resistance, which includes the barriers we put up ourselves that impede our success. In this blog post aimed at personal development, I will be focusing on how you can conquer internal resistance and get more done. I am so glad I picked this book up as it named the problem I had, which is internal resistance.

Motivation is a Convenient Illusion

Think about it, if you were chased by a bear, or something dangerous, do you say, “oh, I’m not motivated to run?” chances are you will run, no matter what you feel about running or if or if not you are really good at it. This shows that motivation is a convenient illusion, more accurately it is an excuse we give ourselves to be lazy. I don’t think motivational books and videos help much unless you put what these sources say into practice. 

Tell Internal Resistance Who’s the Boss

You know how when you are too nice and obliging people walk all over you? Well I’m not telling you to be a complete jerk, but I’m using this as an analogy. Sometimes, internal resistance can be the one walking all over you. More specifically, internal resistance is the nemesis that stands between you and whatever goal you want to achieve. They say, more like I think, naming something is taming something, and I think it’s not just enough to identify internal resistance. I think it is also important to tell it that you are in control and that it can just go back to where it belongs, which is not in your mind.

Have Goals but Don’t be Vague

Having goals is great but it won’t help if these goals aren’t specific. Give yourself deadlines so that you can meet them. I realised a while back since I started working on Fiverr as a freelancer that having a deadline, the Fiverr app and website both show the time (kind of reminding me of a bomb countdown) which makes me buck up and do what needs be done, instead of falling down a scroll hole on social media. 

Focus on Improving and Building

You can never know everything about a specific subject. Being a lifelong learner of your field will help you grow as a professional. Take every opportunity to find out what works for you. If you are like me and prefer learning on your own rather than going out for offline classes, then there is no better time than now to learn almost anything you want online. 


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