What Skills are Needed to become a Freelance Writer?


Freelance writing can be the thing you were looking for to replace your 9 to 5 job, doing things you feel drain you to the core and working with toxic co-workers who have unjustified demands on your work. Welcome to the world of freelance, where your only concern is to deliver quality work that goes above and beyond your clients expectations. As someone who has worked both as an employee and freelancer I sincerely believe that being a freelancer is far more rewarding than working a 9 to 5 where the only nice thing is the juicy paycheck that disappears as fast as dew on a summer morning - sorry for being poetic, it is my strength, and I like to use it (you should too, if you want to stand out in the competitive freelance market). You might be thinking that money is enough to keep you happy, in my experience it has not been enough to keep me happy. So, without further ado, let’s explore some skills you need to become a freelance writer.


If you want to become a writer, this is one thing you need to do and turn it into a habit. Don’t forget, a teacher teaches, a painter paints and a writer writes. If this is going to be your thing you need to keep doing it and practicing it. Writing on a regular basis will help you become better at it. Writers need to write just as much as musicians need to practice and painters need to paint. 


While writing might be your cup of tea, editing might take the backseat. Well in my case it’s somewhere behind the backseat. I don’t fancy editing, but I know it’s necessary, like brushing your teeth or taking time to clean your room or cook (sorry, I don’t love cooking, I love eating though). Editing takes time, patience, perseverance and persistence. If you want your writing to be the very best it can be, then you need to invest time into editing. There are plenty of online courses on editing that will help you hone these skills. Taking the time to edit will help you become a better writer by helping you identify what works and what doesn’t.

SEO or search engine optimization is what helps content written for the web get discovered. It is very important to have an idea about SEO if you are a content writer or any kind of writer for that matter because even if you are an author you might need to do your own marketing and most likely will have to do your own marketing. SEO plays a crucial role in digital marketing. 

Are you looking for a content writer? Feel free to reach out to me on Fiverr. 


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