What I learned as a 24 year old
We see what we want to see!
Often, in life, when making decisions and taking our choices into account, we know what we choose to see. We don't focus on the whole picture but instead focus on things that seem to stand out, especially what we consider to be flaws and defects. When we are busy looking for what is wrong, we often miss out on everything right. Focusing wholly on the negative aspects of things is one of the root causes of our unhappiness.
Don't compare yourself!
We compare ourselves. Rather than focusing on what we already have and how to build on what we've got, we look for things that we don't have and think, "how lucky they are. They have everything I ever wanted." The item you might not be seeing is what these so-called people you admire or envy even might not have or might have gone through to have to be able to possess these things. Perhaps they worked hard to get what they wanted. Also, if they have something, such as being born into a wealthy background, they still might not have all the love, attention, and support you have from your family. Everything comes at a price.
What we see on the surface might be just the surface!
And sometimes though you think some people have it all, they might have worked hard for it, and what you consider to be of value (such as wealth, power, and status) might not be what they might want from life. There is always more to situations and people than meets the eye. Have you ever wondered why some people act the way they do? Sometimes you will be able to sense that people are not always truthful. Some people might lie about things to look good and avoid trouble. I've realized that most people don't want to be uncomfortable even when they might do another healthy by being nervous. It is, in a sense, unusual to meet people who will go through discomfort to help another person. In other words, most people look out for themselves. So don't be hurt if some people treat you poorly. It might be that they don't want to bother or dislike being uncomfortable, or it might just mean that they are having a bad day. They might not appreciate your values.
Most people don't give a damn about you.
Most people will not care about what you consider to be necessary. For example, you, as a person, might value honesty, integrity, and truthfulness. But it doesn't mean that everyone loves these traits and qualities. They might think that having values are pointless. You make your definition and try to come up with your own set of values. But as I've noticed, in life, there is something to learn from everyone. Everyone lives their own life and have had experiences that are unique to them. No two people experience or see the world in quite the same way. There might be some common traits and characteristics, but no two people are the same. Not even identical twins brought up together in the same family.
You might love a person with all your heart, but that doesn't mean they will love you back.
I fell in love with a person who rejected me outright. I truly loved him, but he didn't. As my first love, I was devastated. I became sad and depressed. I cried for days. But then I realized that love given is given. Your object of affection can choose to return it or treat it with indifference. So, don't get offended or upset if your love is not returned. There is someone out there for everyone. Saying one person didn't like you doesn't mean that others will too. You are a unique person. You will find love. Be patient and work on yourself.
It is okay to fail
This is learned the hard way. As an A level dropout (equivalent to a high school dropout), I found myself in another by failing at one. I failed in the field of science, but I found my real passion. I found that I was good at writing. I got depressed, but I realized that my passion lay in the arts and not in the sciences. I discovered my strengths through my failures. I kept working on what I was good at. I kept doing what I wasn't p[assionate about, and life became much more pleasant and vibrant. I get up, looking forward to writing every day. I love writing, and I don't know what I'd be if I weren't a writer.
Listen to your friends who mean well.
I have had a few special friends. They have always given me good advice. They have been there for me and helped me out of tight spots. They've offered a shoulder for me to cry on, especially when I was going through heartbreak and depression together. I would have never made it without my best friend, for instance. He helped me out of a lot of situations. His support helped me overcome my sadness and move forward with a renewed state of mind.
Age is just a number!
I've met several university colleagues who think they are too old. My crush, for example, was upset that he was too old. But, I kept telling him that age is only a number. I believe it is, so it is essential never to get deterred by comparing yourself to others. Go at your own pace! Who says you can't get a degree at 25+ Heck, there are 90-year-olds getting degrees, and you should go for it. You know what they say, "better late than never!'' You don't have to fit into societies standards all the time. As long as you aren't hurting anyone with your action, you are good to go! So go for it! You might be 99, but if you want to do a degree, I believe you should!
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