Lessons for Sri Lankans - We all have to change at a personal level
I felt fed up with being bombarded by a billion WhatsApp messages and some calls I was getting. Sometimes stress hits you like an asteroid. I also felt super guilty for wasting my time talking to people on the phone. I cared about these people, but I thought we were killing time in every sense, and it got to me. Time is precious, and I feel that we can do so much to make this world a better place. Calling and messaging often won't get that accomplished. At least it doesn't most of the time. It was then that I came across a Youtube video that said to try and quit social media for six months. I thought I would give it my best shot, and here are some things that I realised while being alone.
Lesson 1#: Most people, at least 90%, don't care.
I had a colleague, no, several colleagues from college who thought people cared about what they posted on social media. I think they need to step down from their imaginary pedestals for a minute and see that no one cares. Not really. Well, maybe 1% of the people will care. Some might laugh at your post, and some might judge you positively or negatively. Most likely, the majority will be completely and utterly indifferent whether you were in Alaska or the Sahara desert. People don't care. At least the majority don't care. I realised this when I quit social media and put my phone in aeroplane mode. I have 30+ contacts, only 5, and I repeat, 5 bothered to ask if anything was wrong. I was expecting that response.
Yes, I repeat, lesson number one, most people don't care. At least, in my opinion, and according to my experiences.
Lesson 2#: At least 90% of people have enormous egos.
Yes, this is the second observation I made. Most people I met from those at school, college, and in society had enormous egos. Suppose they were as awesome as they thought. Sri Lanka would, in reality, be one of the wealthiest countries in the world because, in their eyes, they are fantastic and successful. They must not have real mirrors; perhaps Snow White's stepmom must have lent them her magic mirror? Who knows! Jokes aside, I sincerely feel that our people, Sri Lankans, think too highly of themselves. Not all, but the majority. Again, this is my opinion, and you might think otherwise, but I just realised this while I was alone. The funny part is that most high-headed people lack the proof to back up their high headedness. Most brilliant and successful people are humble. Why? Because they don't have anything to prove to the world. They have already been recognised for their greatness. As the saying goes, 'pride goes before a downfall', and I think it applies to Sri Lanka, sadly.
Lesson 3#: At least 90% don't try to improve their lives.
I was guilty of this too, but I am giving it my all now. We all should give it our all and not be lazy and picky. We are good to go as long as we don't cheat, lie, or hurt anyone. If someone else is better than us, then we shouldn't try to trip them and make them fall, but we should learn from them and become successful through our efforts.
I hope this helps make your life better.
Thank you.
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