Overcoming Creative Blocks - Or Other Excuses Stopping You From Doing the Work


If you are anything like me, or what I was like and am sometimes now, you must be no stranger to creative blocks. Creative blocks happen when creativity literally meets a roadblock. Sometimes, though, I wonder if it is another name artists and creators use to get away with procrastinating or not doing the work. The thing is you can actually create something about your block if you are creatively blocked (do you see what I did there?). I think, as humans, we give a lot of excuses to get away from doing things. By a lot, I mean a generous amount of excuses. In this article, I will describe how you can get out of a creative rut, be it an excuse or a bout of self sabotage. 

Create Something

If you want to be a writer for example, watching tutorials is nice and all, and relaxing too at times, but they really don’t cut it, you need to simply write. Write anything. You don’t need to start to write a novel right away. You can start with something manageable. It’s very easy and convenient even, to look at someone who is way ahead of you in the field and think, wow, they’ve got this! But what you don’t see is the years of blood, sweat, tears and repetitive failures they had to endure to get to where they are right now. 

Get Started

Start with something and if you are reading to procrastinate, I suggest you close this tab and get on with it. Still here? Well, in that case, you are stubborn. Find a book of a piece of art that truly got you interested in the field and place it somewhere you can see. That way, perhaps you will be able to guilt trip yourself into getting started. Everytime you see what inspires you, you might feel like trying it out for yourself. This has been my experience, yours might be different.

Keep Going

If you want to become a success, you need to keep going. If you quit the first instance you feel some discomfort (like I quit gym, sorry don’t like the dark and gloomy atmosphere), you will most likely not get very far. You can keep complaining or you could use that time to keep trying. I think if something truly mattered to you you would try (and not give up on it like I gave up going to the gym in a heartbeat - I found a substitute though - walking).


Once you have been doing something for a while, you need to start experimenting. Even if you are a beginner, you can try different things and see what works for you specifically. Experimenting is the doorway to discovering some fresh perspective or insight. 

If you think you want some content creation help, feel free to reach out to me on Fiverr. I am a level one seller who can help you ease your marketing burden. Happy creating!


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