What is the meaning of life?

When I was searching the most searched questions on Google, this popped up. This question is a deeply philosophical one. Over the years, philosopher's have debated and argued about this question over and over again. They have given and come up with different answers to this question. 

 I hope, in this article, to answer this question to the best of my abilities. 

In my opinion, we are the agents who imbue life with meaning. Our lives acquire meaning depending on how we decide to spend our energy. For example, we may choose to live a productive life, pursue our dreams, and try our best to achieve our goals and ambitions. I believe this is a life well-lived, and thus, this kind of life can be said to be meaningful.

Life can throw different obstacles. Our lives can be riddled with other issues, and we might question the meaning of our life. However, there are various things you can do as a person to make your life meaningful.  

For example, living in the moment, living in the present will help add meaning to your life. Don't live life in regret. It won't get you anywhere. Instead, you need to forgive yourself and live in the moment. This way, you will be able to make the best of things.

Life is full of difficulties and anxieties. One problem appears after another.  Sometimes we struggle to handle our issues. One thing is to have an aim or goal in life. Ask yourself, what do you value most in life? Different people will have different answers to this question.

We are often trapped in our minds. We create our reality. We should discard all our false beliefs and try to become the best version of ourselves. We should try to live with an open mind, conscious of our actions and their impact on us and those around us.

All of us lead different lives. We have various dreams, and every one of us has individual definitions of success. The thing about life is that it doesn't come with an instruction manual. 

People have become more and more distant from religion. As people have become more and more distant from God and religion, people who once attributed meaning to God and religion have lost their source of meaning.

The current crisis of lack of meaning can be attributed to science. Science says that life emerged from a random interplay of chemicals and gases does have meaning, but the meaning given to life is rather bleak. For humans, science says that the meaning of life is survival and propagation of one's genetic material.

Several things can be done to ensure we end up leading a life of meaning. Meaning of life can vary according to what a person wants in their life and his or her dreams and ambitions  in life. You can add meaning to your life by pursuing your dreams and goals. I think life acquires meaning as we engage in meaningful things. Growth shouldn't be focused on it should be diffused. I believe that you should grow while helping others grow. Helping others will add value to and meaning to your life.

We begin to question the meaning of life when we are unhappy. We begin to question our place in this world and universe. Meaning can be said to be found in communication, understanding and service.

Communication is about forming a connection. We are by nature creatures of isolation and solitude. But when we form a connection, be it through a friendship or a relationship, it adds an extra layer or dimension to our life, which in turn can add value and meaning to our life! Some of our most meaningful instances or occasions in life is when we form a meaningful connection. These connections can be used to share our physical and psychological understanding.

Then comes understanding. Understanding contributes to meaning and pleasure in life when we can resolve or have a better grasp of events, experiences and phenomena that puzzled us. We find a sense of meaning by unravelling things that were once completely baffling to us at one point in our life.

These corrections of confusion or puzzlement allow us to further evolve and become better human beings. This is so regardless of who or where we are from. Making sense of things that didn't previously add meaning to our lives.

One of the most meaningful things we can do is to serve others. This can be done by trying to improve their life either by finding solutions to their problems by alleviating their suffering or finding new sources of pleasure.

In a world where selfishness is encouraged, we can achieve a meaningful life by thinking about others and putting their needs before our own. This is not only truly satisfying it also makes our lives more fruitful while imbuing them with more meaning. 

For service to meaningful, it should be in sync with our sense of sincere interests, by knowing more about ourselves and serving others to our best ability. 

A meaningful life is within the reach of everyone. Everyone has the potential to create a meaningful life that is fruitful and valuable. Life should be lived so that we accumulate meaning like we accumulate wealth or success over time. The more you strive towards understanding, communicating and serving others the more fruitful and meaningful your life will become.

Life is a gift. We have been given this life for a reason. I think that we have been given this life to make the best of our time. If we care about the right things at the right moment then we will undoubtedly get to a better place. We are all destined to leave this world. So it's best to do our best to avoid regret and live our lives to the fullest. Life is unpredictable. The best thing we can do is to live and learn and learn and live. We are all works in progress!


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