A Beginner's Guide to SEO - Part 2


It has been some time since I wrote on this blog. If you are new here, you might want to go check out the previous post on SEO.  Recapping, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization - which is the process of enhancing the discoverability of your content on search engines without investing in PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising. It’s all organic (meaning that if you know SEO, you don’t have to run as many ads to get more leads and customers. 

Keyword Targeting

The most important step in SEO or search engine optimization is to know what you might be optimizing for in the first place. Begin by determining the terms and phrases individuals type onto Google and other search engines to search for relevant information on the topics they might be interested in finding out more about, and sometimes even purchasing, depending on the intent.

There are several things you need to keep in mind and consider when targeting keywords. These include search volume, relevance and competition. Now let’s look at all these factors separately and try to understand them better so that we can practically apply our theoretical knowledge.

What is Search Volume?

Search volume is a fancy digital marketing way of saying how many people might be actively searching or interested in a given keyword. If there are lots of people searching for the specific keyword or keywords you have in mind, then you might be able to reach a bigger audience. On the same note, if there is no one searching for your specific keyword or keywords then you might want to consider researching for ones that are relevant for your business or brand and try again. 

What is Relevance?

If a search term is searched a lot but if it is not completely related to your business niche, then you might want to reconsider optimizing your content for that specific keyword. If you are selling books for middle graders (like I am, my dream is to become a fulltime middle grade fantasy author but…let’s not stray from the topic), you have to optimize your content for your target audience which in the example I am considering the audience for middle grade fantasy books are middle grade parents, teachers, bloggers and book lovers. 

What is Competition?

Just like any other aspect of digital marketing when considering SEO you need to consider how easy or difficult it might be to rank on Google or other search engines for your specific selected keywords. You might need to do some competitor analysis to figure this out.

Okay, I’ll stop for today, if you are interested in SEO writing services, check out my writing services on Fiverr!



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