How to Stay Creative in a Fast-Paced World


Staying creative in a fast paced digital world can be as difficult as it has ever been. We all have just 24 hours and having so many options on how to spend time or waste time at our fingertips isn’t really good for all of us. Most of us have access to some sort of smart device, which can either help you stay creative and motivated or make you feel drained or stressed. I personally believe that creativity is the best skill or trait you need to invest in as it is what leads to innovation and breakthroughs, allowing you to stand out in an increasingly competitive world. 

Get off the Phone 

I know how you feel when someone says that, cause my mom says that all the time. Though I don’t like hearing it too often, I know she has a point. While the phone might be entertaining and take your mind off your problems (at least for the shortest time span possible), it doesn't serve well when it comes to creativity. I used to think it was because it limited how one thought or imagined, but now I think it’s more about how staying on our phones eats up time. I hate to say this and might sound harsh in doing so, but I speak from real experience. Most of the time we waste time on social media. Unless you are making money from it or plan to make money from it, I believe social media is not worth it. If you are a content creator with an aim to grow your audience and build a brand sure, I think that is worth it because you have a purpose to be there, but if you are just posting for the sake of it, you could use that time to do something productive that will lead to a better life either financially or in terms of your health. 

Get into the Practice of Creating

It can be difficult to be consistent. Believe me I know the struggle and have struggled so far to remain consistent. We must first try to get things done in our capacity. Don’t start working 3 hours a day if you have no experience working half an hour at a stretch. First start with 10 minutes. Create attainable targets and keep pushing your limits from there. I know how tempting it can be to want to start off strong and then find yourself overwhelmed and burned out. When you have time and remember to do something, do it at that time.

Don’t Procrastinate

This was the point I was hinting at before. We love to procrastinate when it comes to doing the most important stuff. But it is important to get things done so that we have something to show for the time we spent wasting on mundane and stupid tasks that take up our time like spending time mindlessly on social media browsing through endless images and videos. It’s best to allocate a time to do this without wasting too much time.

I hope these tips help you stay creative if you are looking to flex your creative muscle. Everyone is creative, some people just don’t bother, just like with exercising it comes with discipline and practice. If you are looking for a content creator to help you out, please feel free to reach out to me on Fiverr where I offer content creation services. 


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